
The Institutional Relations workstream researches potential new venues through which to distribute liquid staking access and participation. This group also looks for new products and solutions that might be welcome in the market and discovered during conversations.

As such, we seek self-motivated, results-driven, and dynamic institutional staking contributors with experience and a passion for the blockchain industry. The successful applicant will be responsible for building relationships with institutions and educating and promoting the Lido protocol’s blockchain-based solutions to potential collaborators and users.

Skills & Competencies

  • 5+ years of experience in Investment/Wealth Management, Financial Services and Blockchain
  • Knowledge of popular L1-L2s networks, bridges, dexes and aggregators, oracles, money markets, lending and borrowing protocols
  • Understanding of how all of the participants in a DeFi ecosystem are interconnected and drive value to each other
  • Understanding of blockchain technology and its potential applications
  • Strong stakeholder management and negotiation skills in both internal and external settings
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Ability to work independently and as part of working groups
  • Demonstrated success in partnerships
  • This role is not available to parties considered US persons under US laws or people residing in the UK.

Key Responsibilities & Duties

  • Conduct market research to identify potential collaborators and partnership opportunities in the blockchain industry
  • Maintain and manage relationships with existing institutional holders by developing and executing proactive, creative, and ongoing contact initiatives
  • Educate and deliver thought leadership to current and future stakers, portraying the benefits of ETH staking
  • Prepare and deliver presentations to potential collaborators and users
  • Collaborate with the product design stream to ensure our solutions meet the needs of our collaborators
  • Attend conferences and select industry events.


  • Contribute from anywhere in the world
  • Competitive compensation level
  • Flexible schedule
  • Compensation for education, including language & professional growth courses
  • Equipment & co-working reimbursement program
  • Overseas conferences, community immersion
  • Possible Token Rewards Plan.

If this challenge sounds appealing to you and you wish to change the world order* we would love to hear from you!

*for the better! 🙂

We follow the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. All applicants will be considered regardless of race, national origin, preferred NFT, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.

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